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Why Empathy is a Must-have Business Strategy (World Economic Forum)

COVID-19 brought attention to issues of work-life balance, financial pressure, and job security in the workplace, affecting overall productivity and motivation. Practicing empathy is proven to help fix these problems; “76% of people surveyed with highly empathic senior leaders report often or always feeling engaged, compared to only 32% of those with less empathic senior leaders.”

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EY 2021 Empathy In Business Survey

A survey of more than 1,000 Americans who are employed reveals that many have left a previous job because their boss wasn’t empathetic to their struggles at work (54%) or in their personal lives (49%). “Empathy’s ability to create a culture of trust and innovation is unmatched, and this previously overlooked trait must be at the forefront of businesses across all industries.”

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The Top 20 Fortune 500 Companies on Diversity and Inclusion

COVID-19 brought attention to issues of work-life balance, financial pressure, and job security in the workplace, affecting overall productivity and motivation. Practicing empathy is proven to help fix these problems; “76% of people surveyed with highly empathic senior leaders report often or always feeling engaged, compared to only 32% of those with less empathic senior leaders.”

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Beyond Diversity: How Firms Are Cultivating a Sense of Belonging

DEI is not something that is “nice to have”, it is an important aspect companies need to include and embed in strategic planning. “A lot of the barriers that we need to address are directly tied to underrepresented populations and their experiences, but the solution is tied to everybody.”

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